You Got Served: Joy Wilson, Joy The Baker



Joy The Baker, Joy Wilson, is the kind of gal we all want to be our next door neighbor. The daily fresh baked cookies...the endless comedy that is 'real talk', the hope to one day see her dancing like no one's watching inside the laundromat...ooohhh but those cookies! No really,  the cookies, the waffles...the pies...the something with the something that looked like a chocolate cake with pretzels on it and made you go WHOA.

You name it...and she bakes it like it's her J.O.B.

We mean J.T.B...Oh wait!!

Her sense of self is flawless - filled with a balance of sarcasm, a straight shooting insight into real world randoms (ie: conversations jumping from casseroles, to cats, to uh...cowabunga?!) not to mention an honest and unapologetic love for - obviously - butter.

Her style? It's unparalleled with an approachable realness, sense of organized chaos with loads of color and light. She does a darn good job of making us all feel like we're right there with her, invite in hand, sticking around for the after-party where we'll share a  bourbon or two. 

No paper straws allowed.

You got Joy The Baker.

Box 001 | Dine X Design | You Got Served | Joy The Baker

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The Rules:

~Subject must choose and work with at least two items and one textile from the mystery box

~Location and surface area up to the discretion of the subject

~One additional textile, prop, and food/botanicals can be selected from the subject’s private collection

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Do you have a routine or game plan when it comes to styling with props for your photos?

When it comes to styling with props and food, I really like for my scene to feel full, like a kitchen counter filled with various baking ingredients. I don't have a lot of great natural light in my kitchen, so I have to set up a counter-type situation in front of my front door. I try to simulate my kitchen counter and create a messy but beautiful kitchen counter in front of the front door.


You Gor Served | JTB Tron Cat | Dine X Design

Image: Kristin Guy

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PS: In case you were wondering, It's true: Joy's handsome orange cat does get into absolutely EVERYTHING. And we love him for it. (#jtbtroncat in case you want to check out that fantastically fuzzy instagram feed)

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What's your Serving Style? Brand new/on trend, unique vintage originals, particular colors?

I love clean modern whites paired with colorful floral vintage pieces. I also like fancy silverware.

You Got Served | Joy Wilson | Dine X Design

Image: Joy Wilson

Do you have a favorite piece in your collection? What's the story behind it?

The vintage measuring cup I added to the prop collection is one of my favorite pieces. It's old and worn, like some little grandmother somewhere broke it in just for me. Oh... and it's a piece borrowed from master prop collectors Matt Armendariz and Adam Pearson

You Got Served | Dine X Design | Joy The Baker

Image: Joy Wilson

If you could get a hold of any item for your kitchen or tabletop, what do you currently have your eye on?

I always have my eye on old crusty things. Props not people. Joy The Baker | You Got Served | Dine X Design

Image: Kristin Guy

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Joy took on this "You Got Served" prop box challenge like a pro! Pulling random, odd and exotic items from not only the box...but from her then (le weep) Los Angeles garden. In fact, we are standing on top of  our chairs applauding this woman who chose to incorporate a chunk of pyrite in her foodscape - BRAVO!

OH JOY! Your creativity, risk and sense of playfulness are not only alive in your multiple online ventures, but within these styled tabletops and your friendship with countless fans. Your fervor for life, adventure and exploring the unknown are obviously noticeable and we can't wait to see what your new home in New Orleans brings to your future recipes and style.

Laissez les bons temps rouler - girl!You Got Served | Dine X Design | Joy Wilson

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Make sure to check out the other two subjects making their own unique style servings from this very mystery prop box below as well as the full on-going series here!

You Got Served: Claire Thomas, The Kitchy Kitchen || You Got Served: Sara Tso: Matchbox Kitchen